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Is your social media strategy out of alignment with overall marketing objectives? Or

Is your social media strategy helping your business rise to the position of an influencer in your niche?

Discover how to create a social media strategy which boosts engagement, drives website traffic, generates leads and builds a community of raving fans for your business.

With new platforms continually emerging, it’s easy to get trapped into implementing social media initiatives tactically instead of adopting a strategic approach. With a significant portion of your target market influenced by social media, you cannot afford to wing it, hoping some of what you do will eventually deliver a measurable return on investment.

Social media experts make it sound so easy. Post content regularly on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and you will be able to build a community of raving fans who trust you and happily sign up to your offers or buy products from your online store.

The truth is…it isn’t all that easy. Success with social media, as with any other marketing process requires a clear strategy…

…one which will benefit your business in several ways:

Drive website traffic – Referral traffic from clicks on links embedded in your social media posts
Lead Generation – New leads from, downloads of gated content, clicks on lead generation posts, and conversions from posts which lead to a landing page
Increased revenue – Sales revenue through social media advertising
Boost in engagement – Increased Likes, Shares, comments on posts and replies
Understand your customers – Using the feedback on social media conversations with customers to improve products or services
Build trust – A strong social media community builds trust, and increases the likelihood of prospects buying your products or engaging your services
Increases reach – Through shares and mentions of your content by followers and influencers

If you want to build your business then you need a solid, proven strategy!

No, we’re not talking about a system, we’re talking about a specific, actionable and measure strategy which you implement to get results…

Designing a social media strategy requires an in-depth understanding of social technology and audience engagement. It’s what we at Think Big Online have demonstrated for our clients…many of whom rely on us to grow their businesses through social media.

Before you invest in any social media marketing, it’s important you get your strategy right.
Just like taking a road trip, the first step is to point your business in the right direction, choose the path you will take to get there and constantly check to ensure you’re on track.
Here’s how we can help with designing your social media strategy so it’s aligned with your marketing objectives and generates a measurable ROI.

Step 1: Clarify your business’ social media goals
Step 2: Audit your current social media status
Step 3: Find your voice and tone
Step 4: Develop your content strategy
Step 5: Create a monitoring and measurement plan 

Once you have your social media strategy in place, you can deploy it on your own or seek our assistance in providing you with an end-to-end solution to accelerate your results.

If you would like to see your business rise to the position of an influencer in your niche through social media, book a free consultation with one of our Social Media Specialists. contact us here Or Call 02 8413 6409 to book a consultation.